6 Tips for Surviving Nursing School

6 Tips for Surviving Nursing School

6 Tips for Surviving Nursing School

Beginning nursing school is exciting! However, after the first week or two, you might realize that stress and worry are taking over your excitement. The learning curve can be steep. You may feel like you’re learning a new language or that nursing skills are just as foreign. 

First, you need to know this is normal! No one goes through nursing school feeling confident and comfortable. Everyone around you feels some level of frustration, worry, and stress. Knowing that there are a few strategies you can use to reduce your stress levels and achieve success during nursing school is also crucial. Below are some of the best tips you can use to survive nursing school. 

Keep a Positive and Learning-Focused Attitude

Have you ever heard that attitude is everything in life? Nursing school is the same. So strive to keep a positive attitude and focus on all the learning opportunities that will come your way over the next year or two. Remind yourself that it’s okay if you don’t know everything, but rather that you strive to learn a bit more every day. 

Delegate at Home 

You’ll spend many hours in nursing lectures, labs, and clinical rotations. These school events will probably take you away from some everyday tasks at home that you must still do. Find a friend, family member, or someone else who can help pick up the slack with tasks you can delegate. This strategy will give you plenty of time for school and allow you to focus on the most critical tasks when you’re home. 

Become a Time Management Ninja

There is only so much time in a day. And, while you may consider skipping sleep, you’ll soon learn that your body won’t run efficiently if you do. So, instead of trying to beat the clock, learn to manage your time more effectively while in nursing school.

You’ll need to find a time management system that works for you. Look at calendar systems or online and mobile applications that help organize your school, work, and home schedules in one place. Once you find the right tools, schedule the most important tasks and keep a running list of things you can push off for later. The key to time management is being realistic and sticking to a schedule. 

Find a Note Taking Strategy that Works

Many people think that pen and paper are antiquated and that you must use a computer for note-taking. Well, science says the opposite.

 One study found that taking notes by hand boosts learning and retention compared to taking digital notes. But, while it’s true that typing notes may be faster, it doesn’t trigger the part of your brain that helps you memorize and recognize words and information. So, typing might actually decrease your understanding of the materials you’re learning. 

That said, you must find a note-taking strategy that works best for you. If your comprehension is spot on when taking digital notes, stick to that system. But, if you think writing notes is better for you, don’t be afraid to take them. 

Another note-taking strategy to consider is recording your professor and just listening to the lecture live and then again later via the recording. Recording the class is a great way to review materials, even if you take notes when listening for the first time. 

Don’t Forget to Schedule Fun and Self-Care

You give a lot of time and energy to nursing school. However, you mustn’t become a victim of the old saying, “all work and no play.” You must always leave time for self-care and even a little fun. 

Schedule time for these events into your calendar because you’re more likely to follow through with them. Choose things you enjoy.

You can use a few of our favorite ideas, including: 

  • Reading
  • Going for a walk
  • Hiking
  • Playing with your kids
  • Going out to dinner, a concert, or another event
  • Crafts 

Find a Mentor 

A mentor is a trusted and experienced person who can help advise you through situations you encounter while in nursing school. Mentors are willing to get to know you and understand your challenges. Then, they use their expertise and knowledge to help you improve. 

Mentors can be family members, friends, or colleagues. You can also reach out to us by emailing education@nursedash.com to connect with someone who can mentor you during any challenges you have in nursing school. You can meet with your mentor via video or phone or even stay connected via text. We’re here and happy to help you be successful throughout your nursing school experience. 

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