Central School of Practical Nursing

Students and Alumni:
Find Flexible, Per Diem
STNA & LPN Shifts

Do you have your STNA or LPN license? Looking for work that matches your busy class schedule and lifestyle?

We can provide students and alumni of Central School of Practical Nursing with a wide variety of options to find work on-demand. With NurseDash, you can quickly find and apply to shifts in the Cleveland-area that match your schedule and lifestyle.

Apply now so you can get on-boarded and begin picking up shifts when you’re not in the classroom!

NurseDash shifts

What is NurseDash?

  • No minimum hours or number of shifts are required
  • Pick the shifts that best fit your needs and schedule
  • Direct booking means you get paid more for your work
  • NurseDash is an on-demand healthcare marketplace
  • Search the right shifts for your work-life balance goals
  • Our platform lets you choose how you work and when


How NurseDash Works

Apply now to start your application and get approved

View available shifts from healthcare facilities

Apply to shifts convenient for your schedule

After you apply for a shift, the facility will review your profile

If selected, you’ll get an in-app notification and email confirmation

Payments are direct deposited on a weekly basis

No placement fee if you take a full-time job with a facility you meet through NurseDash

Start your application today!

As soon as you are approved, you can start picking up shifts.


Ask all your questions!

We would love to answer them for you.